(A few useful links: Please send suggestions for more.)
The author's doula website: www.doulajudy.com
Midwifery Schools
http://www.nuevelunas.org.mx (Spanish)
Birth center and midwifery school (Luna Llena) in Oaxaca. The organization works to promote the concept of humanized birth.
http://www.lunamaya.org (Spanish)
Birth center and midwifery school in Chiapas. Offers a wide range of workshops for pregnant women and for midwives and doulas.
Midwifery school in Morelos.
http://www.casa.org.mx/reconocen-internacionalmente-a-la-nueva-escuela-de-parteria/ (Spanish)
History of the midwifery school in Guerrerro (on CASA’s website).
http://www.partolibremexico.org/ (Spanish)
Non-profit organization that works to promote a culture of birth in Mexico that gives respectful and evidenced care.
The mission of the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) is to work with the birth and breastfeeding community and our members by encouraging and promoting evidence-based, Mother-and-Baby-Friendly maternity care.
Clickable Links from the Book’s Reference List
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Andersson, Ola, Lena Hellstrom-Westas, Dan Andersson, and Magnus Domellof. 2011. “Effect of Delayed Versus Early Umbilical Cord Clamping on Neonatal Outcomes and Iron Status at 4 Months: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” BMJ 343:d7157. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22089242
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Asociación Mexicana de Partería [Mexican Association of Midwifery]. 2012. http://www.parteriamexicana.com
Castro Martin, Teresa. 2002. “Consensual Unions in Latin America: Persistence of a Dual Nuptiality System.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 33 (1): 35–55. http://digital.csic.es/bitstream/10261/93121/1/2002_Castro_JComFamStudies.pdf
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Martinez, Rick. 2012. “Midwives, a Crucial Part of Caring for the Women of Mexico.” Huffington Post Impact, March 7.
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Ortiz Uribe, Mónica. 2013. “Mexico Training Midwives in Hope of Preventing Maternal Deaths. KPBS, January 3.
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